Thursday 18 February 2010


Challenges come and go

you may be scared,

even scars come and go .

There is always a season for everything,

including the level of challenge a man faces.

*expecting life to treat you right because you are a good person

is like expecting a bull not to charge because you are vegetarian.

a challenge can make or break you,

the choice is yours to make.

surround yourself with positive ,less sentimental,
courageous and out spoken people;

They would make the ride smoother than not.

Self pity you must avoid at all cost,

it only is a waste of time and life.

It clouds your thinking

It irritates and bores eventually.

Cry when you can over a bad situation,

but,pick yourself up soon enough to re plan

If  you want to see the rainbow,you would have to put up with the rain

and always remember, there is no glory without a story.
@#2010 t-phils

* Rob Schuller


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